Parent Newsletter, April 2024

This newsletter is designed to keep you up-to-date with the all latest events and preschool news. Further information including events, activities and topics, can be found on our Facebook and Instagram pages. The links for these are:- Facebook - and Instagram - waspspreschool2023.


Important Dates for your Calendar

Term 5: Monday 15th April to Thursday 23rd May

Bank Holiday: Monday 6th May

Term 6: Monday 3rd June to Wednesday 24th July

This Term

This term we are focusing on spring. We will be looking at plant growth and the life cycle of minibeasts. If parents have any seeds for planting or other growing resources we could use, we would be extremely grateful for these.

Things for Preschool

There are some things we are still on the lookout for (please see list below). If you are having a clear out after the holiday period, we will happily take them from you.


Plant pots



Wicker baskets

Wooden spoons

Metal trinkets



Fairy lights


Play pushchairs


Seeds for planting


Drinking Water and lunchboxes

We just wanted to say a thank you to parents for your cooperation with water and lunches. Lunchboxes are looking great, with lots of variety for the children. Please do not be alarmed if your child isn’t drinking from their water bottles. We do have self-services drinking water within the room and garden area. The children are encouraged to use these.

Due to early years guidelines on lunchboxes, can we please ensure your child’s lunchbox is balanced. We do not discourage sweet treats, but we aim to limit them, to be provide balanced meals for your children.


We have group/story time at 11.00/11.15 every morning. We use this is an opportunity for the children’s voices to be heard and for us to recap what we have learnt that morning. We then read a story relating to what we’ve learnt.

In the past we have had children’s parents come in and read a lovely story to the children. Some parents read books in French or Spanish, where they learn some news words and were thoroughly engaged. If any parents would like to come in a read a story or sing some songs, we would love to have you and the children would be very grateful to have somebody new reading them a story.

Nappies and Wipes

Please ensure that your child has nappies and wipes within their bags, although we have some spares, they are not always the correct size for your child and can lead to leaking.

Clothing and Footwear

Could I please ask parents to provide wellies and spare socks for outdoor play, we do not restrict children play outdoors and when it rains the grass can become boggy. We have some spare socks and wellies, but it would be really helpful if you could provide protective clothing and footwear for your child to wear at the setting.

Please ensure that your child’s belongings are named including clothes, bags, coats, shoes, drink bottles, snacks and lunch boxes. We have noticed that some items of clothing have come in unnamed and haven’t been taken home. If you would like us to write your child’s name in an item of clothing, we can do so with a sharpie pen. Please let us know during drop off.

Closure of Gates

It is essential that all the gates are closed when entering and leaving preschool, including the gate leading into the school playground so that the safety of those children still-on-site can be upheld.

We thank you for all your continued support.

All the staff at WASPS

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