Supporting learning through play in a happy, free flow setting.
Wraparound care and 30 hours funding available.
Our philosophy
We’re focused on providing a safe, happy and inclusive setting in which children can play, learn and develop according to their ability, interests and curiosity.
A typical day
Morning and afternoon sessions incorporate free play, structured activities, group sessions, story time and snack.
Our team
Managed by a volunteer committee of parents and run by a team of qualified childcare specialists, we have the interests of all our children at heart.
After school & holiday clubs
After school club caters for 2-11 year olds as do our Easter and summer holiday clubs. Clubs are open to St Laurence pupils as well as children from the local area.
Term dates & fees
We tie our term dates and inset days to those of St Laurence School. Prices are calculated per session for pre-school, after school and holiday club.
WASPS is a charity reliant on fundraising to supplement fee revenue in order to provide the quality and diversity of facilities. We like to make it fun for all!
Helpful parent information
W.A.S.P.S. Ofsted report
Consistently awarded a Good rating by Ofsted, we were last inspected in May 2017.
Special education needs and disability
Known as The Local Offer, Oxfordshire county council sets out the information about SEN provision available for their child locally.
Early Years Alliance
The Preschool Learning Alliance is now known as the Early Years Alliance. The organisation champions the best for early years development and is a valuable resource for policy and planning.
Oxfordshire County Council Schools
Find out more about Oxfordshire’s school and pre-school provision.
Oxfordshire Family Information Service
All you need to know about childcare support and providers in Oxfordshire.
Action for Children
Supporting disadvantaged children across the UK. Find out more.
St Laurence School, Warborough
Find out more about our village primary school.
Our policies
All you need to know about pre school policies